How Can Biomimetic Dentistry Save Teeth and Prevent the Tooth Cycle of Death?
Category: Biomimetic Dentistry,
The three major objectives or “pillars” of biomimetic dentistry are to:
- Mimic the properties and structure of natural teeth
- Preserve tooth vitality and healthy intact tooth structure
- Restore the strength and biomechanics of natural teeth.
Through these objectives, biomimetic restorative dentistry improves upon the shortcomings and limitations of traditional dentistry and non-bonded restorations.
The Power of Adhesion
A critical component to the success of Biomimetic Dentistry is the power of strong adhesion. In the biomimetic approach, adhesion eliminates the need to remove healthy and intact tooth structure. Biomimetic restorations build and restore teeth without the preparation and reduction requirements of traditional, mechanically retained restorations. Preserving more tooth structure when restoring teeth is the key to retaining teeth for life and preventing loss of teeth. Additionally, adhesion allows many teeth to be restored which would not have traditionally been considered possible by traditional dentistry standards. Through the power of adhesion, biomimetic dentistry preserves maximum tooth structure, preserves tooth vitality, and has a huge impact on the long-term survival and success of restored teeth.
Biomimetic Dentistry Mimics Natural teeth
The natural tooth consists of enamel and dentin that is adhesively joined via the dentin-enamel junction (DEJ). In the biomimetic approach, dental materials and adhesive techniques are combined to best mimic the structure and function of intact normal teeth. A strong adhesive interface allows stresses to transmit through the restored tooth naturally, similar to an intact tooth. Biomimetic dentistry restores the structural integrity of the teeth treated, and thereby prevents cracks, symptoms, complications, and failures. All of this is in favor of maximizing long-term success and preventing loss of teeth.
Traditional Dentistry is Inadequate
Traditionally, dental procedures such as fillings and crowns are inadequate because they do not restore the properties and function of natural teeth. These types of restorations lead to further complications and loss of teeth because they treat the problem without restoring the strength and structural integrity of an intact tooth. A lot of dentistry today is expected to have a relatively short and finite useful life and need servicing or replacement periodically. This is especially true of dental insurance models which do not compensate adequately for high-quality restorations. This sets the expectation of a short useful life as being considered adequate. Typical insurance policies provide coverage for replacement of “basic” fillings every 2 years and major procedures such as crowns every 5-7 years, so the system is in favor of short restoration longevity. On the surface, that seems generous to allow for adequate coverage for patients and dentists, but in reality this sets the precedent for the expectation of quality and longevity of dental restorations and the cascade of complications over the lifetime of the restored tooth.
A Better Way to Restore and Preserve Teeth
Preventing cavities and dental treatment is the primary goal of dentistry. Once a cavity is discovered, it becomes of paramount importance to provide the longest lasting, most conservative restoration possible. Inadequately addressing the structural integrity of restored teeth will lead to complications and failures, ultimately resulting in loss of teeth through the tooth cycle of death. With traditional dental procedures, the first intervention sets the cycle into motion. Fillings become crowns, crowns lead to root canals, and ultimately the tooth is lost when there is not enough structure left to restore the tooth. This process is known as the tooth cycle of death and it is very common.
Better for Patients, Better for Dentists
The prime beneficiary of the advancement of biomimetic dentistry is the patient, who can avoid additional treatments, minimize overall treatment cost, and have the best possible outcome by retaining their teeth for life. Tooth loss is a major fear for most patients and biomimetic dentistry is able to minimize this occurrence. Additionally, many teeth considered unrestorable can still be restored with a fair prognosis when utilizing a biomimetic approach. Effectively, biomimetic dentistry can avoid both root canals and implants in many instances. As dentists, we strive to provide the best outcomes for our patients and it feels great to provide quality work that we are confident will provide optimal long-term success and minimize complications. Overall, patient and dentist satisfaction with biomimetic dentistry is extremely high.
Biomimetic dentistry has the potential to help prevent loss of permanent teeth as well as preserving and restoring teeth which are considered unrestorable by traditional principles of restorative dentistry.
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I received radiation to head/neck area. I have endless issues with my teeth, oral cavity, temporal joint, and most dentist don’t want to even touch my mouth, less work on it.
I lost saliva glands so I have very dry mouth constantly patched up by biofilm, have total esophagus stricture which makes dental work very risky for suffocation on blood, water, post nasal drip during procedures, I can’t open much my mouth dye to temporal joint stiffness and calcification, and medical doctors always preach about rusk of osteoradionecrosis if I need extractions or implants etc due to possibility that my wounds, bones might not heal properly.
Unfortunately, I have Medicaid only as insurance for my teeth/oral cavity and Medicare refuses to cover my dental/oral care despite facts that all my dental/oral problems are radiation side effects.
University of Illinois school of dentistry just refused to do work on me due to complexity and risks involved in my case. Do you have any recommendations or advise where to seek help and care? Thank you in advance for any advise.
good doctor
Are aware of any certified dentists who use your method in the Columbus, Ohio are
Nothing comes to mind. Try googling it and schedule a consultation if there are a few options. Find someone you can trust because some people unfortunately just say they practice biomimetic dentistry. I also have patients that come from all over the country if thats an option for you. Best- MN
I’m a dentist in the Philippines and want to attend your course
I want to be a certified biomemitic dentist
Anytime you are ready, check out my online course!
Is there a list of Biomimetic dentists in the US?
Not at the moment, but I am working on adding a list of past participants & students to the website. There are some directories online but please keep in mind that taking a course or paying a membership due does not guarantee anything, and that has been a problem I have encountered in the past. Even if someone takes my course, I have no way of verifying everyone’s level of skill, but I do have some people I know well enough to recommend, depending on the area. Best- MN
Are you only in California?
Yes, I only have one location but I have been training dentists all around the world.
Hi Ned. Where what?
It’s too bad I just found out about this. I no longer have any teeth and have full upper and lower dentures.
I am now 80 yrs old and I am looking for a dentist that would make me new dentures that would fit. They all say I need dental implants( hybrids) because I have no more bone or gum to hold the dentures. But who’s got Nineteen thousand? Certainly not me ! I need help-I just need denture’s. Can anybody help? I am at an age where I can die anytime – I just need someone to let me know I can have dentures and not an Implant – I certainly cannot afford dental implants! And besides, I do not think that at this age I can stand the pain involved with implants.
Thank you for taking the time to read this !
I responded to this a year ago, but due to a problem with the site, the response was never published along with several other comments.
I am sorry, and I hope you have found a solution and received the treatment you need. It is expensive to do dentistry and especially more complicated procedures like implants, hybrids, etc. My recommendation would be to go to the nearest dental school for your dental care. They often have the most affordable care and the quality is controlled. Things go slower and treatment takes more time, but it would be a good option in my opinion.
I I am 80 living on a limited fixed I am 80 living on a limited fixed income I will never be able to afford dental work am I am 80 living on a fixed limited income with a mortgage, paying off a final credit card. Credit card payment will disappear by November 2022. But I will never ever be able to afford dental work. My local dentist has already suggested removing a black tooth and getting a dental implant. 10 dental surgeons in St George Utah, but none of them accept Medicare. My kids could get them will care on base because my husband retired military but there are no benefits for wives or widows poor Dental Care. Fortunately I’m not having any painful teeth yet.
I responded to this a year ago, but due to a problem with the site, the response was never published.
Dental care is broken. The system makes no sense and it rewards quick and invasive options over preventative care from the start. This leads to more problems and greater expenses later in life. Most dentists don’t accept medicare because it covers too little to provide the services to a reasonable quality. Sometimes the fees are so low that the operational costs/overhead of the office would be more than the reimbursement for services so that is why you don’t see it.